3 Ways to Make a Man ADDICTED To You

3 Ways to Make a Man ADDICTED To You

Do you want to keep your man’s eyes on you and only you? Would you love to make him absolutely addicted to you? If so, you’re in the right place.
simple words

As you may or may not already know, there are certain things women can do to hook men. The good news is that these have nothing to do with looks, but rather attitude.
Once you can get yourself in the right mindset, you’ll not only have his attention, but like a lovesick puppy dog, he won’t leave your side.
Here’s what you need to do.
Be mysterious.
Have you ever left a date feeling mentally drained, or like you knew everything there was to know about a man? If so, you probably had little interest in seeing him again.
The same rings true for men.
If you’re the kind of woman who takes over a conversation or shares everything from your childhood memories to your deepest secrets then he’s isn’t going to be compelled to call you.
Instead of spilling your heart out to him it’s important that you hold back some information, and keep him coming around for more.
Also note that this isn’t only for in-person conversations, but it applies to text messages, phone calls, online messaging, the works.
To find out how tricks to keep your man coming back for more, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.
 Be positive.
More than just smiles, emotions in general are contagious. This means that if you’re the pessimistic or self-pitying type, those feelings are going to affect your date, too.
Even more importantly, men are attracted to happy, outgoing women. Just like you wouldn’t want to date someone who was always down, nor do men. That’s why it’s so important to be positive and try to find the good in everyday situations.
Once your man realizes that you’re the one to keep him smiling he’ll become hopelessly devoted to you.
Be hard to get.
Now this one has been disputed over the years, but believe me, it works.
Since men are hunters at heart, making him work for your love and attention will keep him chasing you. When this happens, he’ll become addicted to you.
To do so, it’s important that you’re not “too available.” This means that you don’t drop what you’re doing to see him, and you set certain standards for yourself when it comes to making plans with him.
For instance, if he calls and asks if you want to go for dinner that night, tell him that you’re busy and suggest rescheduling for a day or two later. Even if you have no plans for that night, keeping him on his toes to see you will get him hooked.
It’s also important that you’re not always the one to initiate contact with him. If you’re doing all the texting, messaging, phoning, etc., it’ll take away from his pursuit for you. Instead let him be the one to woo you.
For more tips on how to make him chase you, watch this video:
secret word

The Devotion System - Review

It’s hard to imagine a better, more comprehensive guide to finding and keeping a soulmate than Amy North's new program called "The Devotion System". Simply put, the innovative techniques and little-known tricks included in The Devotion System program give any woman the tools necessary to find her soulmate and build a loving relationship with him.

The Devotion System contains advice on arguably every aspect of dating for women; from getting a guy’s number and sending the first text to how to bring up the marriage; from keeping things sexy after children to preventing infidelity long-term. This book has advice for every woman at any stage in her quest to find love.
Devotion System

Maybe it’s me, but there don’t seem to be many women in the dating advice business.... or at least, there aren't many that actually offer any new advice or techniques outside of what you can already find in Cosmo magazine. That’s one reason why I found The Devotion System so refreshing. Amy North is a woman’s woman– smart, insightful and straightforward, she tells it like it is, and she cares about her clients. That fact is clear from the very beginning.
The book is divided into 3 parts, and the first is devoted completely to the importance of self-love and letting go of hang-ups and unhealthy behaviors in order to successfully find a loving relationship that lasts. North goes into great depth about the problems previous “relationship hangovers” can cause– both to one’s present happiness and future relationships– and the advice she provides in this section alone is of major value. Reading advice from a woman concerned with empowering women and helping them get what they want is a great place to start.
Add to that parts 2 and 3 (on understanding men and achieving love and commitment respectively), and you have yourself an insightful collection of advice and information that you can use over and over at different stages of your life and relationship(s).
As a relationship and dating coach, Amy North also enjoys insight from the men she works with, so there are several sections that provide information on male psychology, too. From common male fears and insecurities to their true sexual and intimacy-related desires, she offers readers a wealth of knowledge on the men they could be dating – including profiles on typical “types” and what to expect from them.
Add to that actionable psychology- and science-based tips on texting, flirting, reading him, seducing him, satisfying him and more, and you have a book that will prove useful to its owner again and again. This stuff actually works, too -- the new strategies Amy covers in The Devotion System were very effective when put to use in the real world.
If there’s a flaw to this book, it’s that there’s no physical version available yet. Currently, The Devotion System is only available in online e-book format, so if you want a paper copy for now you’ll have to print it yourself. That said, this also means that buyers get access to the program within a minute or two of completing the registration process, even if it's 3am and you're lying in bed.
The program itself is nicely divided into bite-size sections organized across The Devotion System’s private and personalized client-accessed website, making chapters easy to locate and revisit. Overall, even though the format of the program was the area given the lowest score (9.4 out of 10) in our ratings, it is still the among the best out there in terms of ease-of-use and overall presentation.
Not only that, but the book currently comes with technical and customer support included and several other bonuses, including a 13-part video training series and 3 bonus ebooks including Cheat-Proofing Your Relationship in the package.
For a limited time, The Devotion System is also being sold at a heavily-discounted introductory price of $48.25, which is a steal by any standards. Amy North also offers an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee with every copy of the program, so there's no risk to trying it out for yourself.... which means that, when you add it all up, this book is a must-have and easily the best women's dating guide available.

3 Ways to Make a Man ADDICTED To You

3 Ways to Make a Man ADDICTED To You Do you want to keep your man’s eyes on you and only you? Would you love to make him absolutely add...